Friday, 10 February 2012

Relieving Card

Check out the card I will be handing out to local Dunedin Schools. It is over four times larger than a regular business card so it is harder to file away!

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Pools in Schools

Check out this cool new initiative designed to teach water safety to New Zealand kids and to get them swimming!

Sunday, 29 January 2012

The Vegetable Patch

Just in today: carrots, broccoli and lettuce. Good for the body and good for the mind. I am thinking possible unit in the future? Technology, science, English... The whole curriculum? The possibilities!

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Food for Thought

This is a documentary definitely worth watching! Thought provoking to say the least! It has some interesting information on charter schools too and how they are working in the US. You can click here to watch the first part on YouTube.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus

Help save the endangered Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus from extinction, and help keep your students safe while searching the internet. Click here to find out more!

Tuesday, 19 July 2011


My NE-Y1 class and I made this basic Wordle after reading Norris The Bear Who Shared. It lists the words we thought best describe what friends do for each other.
Wordle: Friends...

Then, we made some cool prints using fruit! Once they had dried we cut them into the shape of a plorringe and put them up on the wall so everyone could see. A successful attempt at integrating my programme! Now to follow it up!

Check it Out! (Finally?!) AKA The Finished Product!

Here is the display we made to show off our work to parents and visitors! I have finally posted them!

Friday, 24 June 2011


Last Tuesday we made mock-ups of our wallets using various boxes. Creating the mock-ups was a valuable experience as it allowed the students to practice the skills required to make their wallets, and it highlighted the parts of the process that the students needed support with.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

That Same Week... (Stakeholders)

Well... it turns out there is not much to follow when I do not keep my blog updated... in hindsight, I will attempt to manage my time more effectively and efficiently during my next practicum so I have time to post updates, among other things.

Anyway!? A couple of days after we explored our issue we made a list of the people we may have to talk to before making our wallets. The students then made visual displays that depicted these people, starting with the who they thought were most important.

Again, no pictures during the making of our lists, but here is the finished result (taken on my phone).

Monday, 20 June 2011

Two Week Ago... (Introducing the Issue)

Our issue is: We make so much rubbish. How can we turn our rubbish into something that is of value to us and others?

We turned our classroom into a house, with each table being a different room. We found and named lots of different waste products in these rooms! We also talked about why we make so much rubbish and what we could do to instead of throwing things away. I didn't get any pictures :( but we had lots of fun!

Now that we know where our household waste comes from we can learn about who we have to talk to before we do anything with it!

Friday, 27 May 2011

The Intended Outcome

Check this out! A wallet made from a milk cartoon! This is what I, along with my students, hope to make as we turn waste into something of value to us and/or others. Follow this link for instructions to make your own.

The Plan

This is the strategy plan I created. It is targeted at level 1 students, and follows the technological design process.

How It All Began

As part of an assignment for one of my curriculum papers, I had to design a strategy plan that would provide my students with an authentic learning experience within technology eduction.

I started with the technological design process, and...

 ...A juice carton.

See how these two come together to make an authentic learning experience for my students by checking out my strategy plan (which I will post above).

An Authentic Learning Experience?

An authentic learning experience in technology education is one that reflects real world contexts, and is relevant to both students and teachers. Follow the authentic learning experiences I provide for my students, during my third year placement, by clicking the follow button!

Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand. (2011). Unit planning in technology. Retrieved from

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Follow A Blog?

In all my optimism I have added a follow button?! However, current traffic suggests it may never be pushed...

P.s. It's just bellow the Daily Dilbert... push it... do it...